• Medtronics Parking Garage

  • Medtronics Parking Garage


Bob Moore Construction was the design / build contractor for a new four-story parking garage at Medtronic’s San Antonio call center facility, built over a portion of their property’s existing parking area. The design, created with Alliance Architects of Richardson, TX, provided more parking spaces in the same area than the other bidders provided while remaining cost competitive with the other bidders.

The garage added 342 elevated parking spaces over a portion of the building’s existing ground level parking lot. Constructed with precast concrete, the new garage features four floors of parking spaces. The first three levels feature interior lighting. The floors are connected with an elevator, two sets of stairs in the center of the garage and two fire escape stairways at the ends. Emergency lights and security beacons are located on all four floors of the garage.

This project was built in an active, heavily trafficked parking lot. The call center remained in full operation during construction, which meant that crews were consistently working in close proximity to heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic. To minimize impact on Medtronic employees Bob Moore Construction built the garage in three phases, closing one portion of the parking lot at a time. Medtronic leased off-site parking and provided a shuttle service for its employees during the process to reduce the volume of traffic around the construction site. Bob Moore Construction’s close coordination with Medtronic representatives and the subcontractors allowed the garage to be completed in a very challenging 180-day window with no safety issues or incidents.

Another challenge with the project involved a sewer line for a neighboring business, which passed beneath the jobsite. Bob Moore Construction managed the abandonment of the sewer line’s easement with the city of San Antonio, coordinating agreements from Medtronic and neighboring business and receiving approval from the city before construction began